Grand Saline Christmas Light Viewing Map

GRAND SALINE--Everyone loves to take the family out to look at the Christmas light creations around town, but they hate the hit and miss aspect in small towns. Some neighborhoods are full of the Christmas spirit and other hoods filled with Grinches who do not decorate for the season. The Sun has made it easier for your holiday viewing pleasure.
For the second year, the Sun is hosting a Christmas Light Viewing Map.
To add your house, email, message us on Facebook, or call 962-4275 and give us your address. Also, the map allows folks to click on the trees that designate a decorated house and view a personal message from your family, so add a message for viewers to read to enhance their light seeing experience.
You can access the map at free of charge. Merry Christmas from all of us at the Grand Saline Sun! Click or copy link below to bring up our map or find our map under the Special Pages tab on the front page of our website.