Legal Notice Announces Class Action Against; March 8 Deadline

January 05, 2018

If you purchased any items from,

a class action Settlement may affect your rights.
A proposed class action Settlement has been reached concerning pricing practices. The case, Golden, et al. v. ContextLogic Inc. d/b/a, Case No. 17PH-CV01741, is pending in Phelps County Circuit Court, Missouri.
What is this about?

The lawsuit claims that improperly inflated the "original" prices on items that are higher than the prices for which those items ever sold. This alleged practice is known "false former pricing." As part of the Settlement, Defendant has agreed to change its pricing practices and provide payments to customers. denies any wrongdoing.

Who is a Settlement Class Member?

The Court decided that the Class includes all persons in the United States of America between June 6, 2013 and December 12, 2017 who purchased one or more products at a discount off of the stated "original" or "regular" price, and who have not received a refund or credit for their purchases.

What are the benefits?

All Settlement Class Members are entitled to $3.00 per household for Tier 1 Claims. Under Tier 2, Settlement Class Members who can provide certain documentation of pricing as proof for a single item purchased may receive up to $10.00. Under Tier 3, Settlement Class Members who can provide certain documentation of pricing as proof for multiple items purchased may receive up to $20.00.

What are my rights?

You have the right to file a Claim, object, Opt-Out, or do nothing. To receive a payment, you must submit a Claim online or by mail. Your Claim must be submitted online or postmarked by May 1, 2018. Or, you may Opt-Out. You will not receive a payment, but you will keep your right to pursue a separate lawsuit against the Defendant about these claims. Your request to Opt-Out must be received by March 2, 2018. Finally, you may file an objection to the Settlement. You must submit an objection in writing. Complete information and instructions are available on the Settlement Website at Your objection must be received by March 2, 2018. If you do nothing, you will receive no payment and have no right to sue later for the claims released by the Settlement.

The Court will hold an Approval Hearing in the Circuit Court of Phelps County, Missouri, 200 North Main Street, Rolla, Missouri 65401, in the courtroom of the Honorable William Earl Hickle, on March 28, 2018 at 8:00 a.m., to decide whether to approve the Settlement and to award Attorneys' Fees and Expenses of $2,100,000.00, and up to $3,000.00 as a Class Representative Award to each of the four Class Representatives. The Attorney Fee and Expense Award and the Class Representative Service Award are to be paid by the Defendant and do not reduce the recovery by the Class in any way. All briefs and materials filed in support of the Settlement and the Application for Attorney Fee and Expense Award will be made available on the Settlement Website at You may attend this hearing, but you do not have to.

Payment will be made to the Settlement Class only if the Court approves the Settlement and all appeals are resolved. Please be patient. If the Settlement does not become effective, the action will continue. You still have the right to make a Claim or file an objection now and Opt-Out from the action later if the Settlement does not become effective.

For more information, please visit, or contact the Settlement Administrator at 1-855-201-2219 or by writing to Golden v. ContextLogic Inc. Settlement Administrator, P.O. Box 404041, Louisville, KY 40233-4041, or contact Class Counsel at Steelman, Gaunt & Horsefield, 901 Pine Street, Suite 110, Rolla, MO 65401.